Mariola Szykuła Accounant Office is operating since 2006, providing professional services in accounting, finances and HR and payrolls for domestic and foreign entities with different business profile and legal form.
Mariola Szykuła Accounant Office is operating since 2006, providing professional services in accounting, finances and HR and payrolls for domestic and foreign entities with different business profile and legal form.
We have all the permits and certificates that are your guarantee that our accounting services is characterized by professionalism and trust. We have the license of Ministry of Finance – Certificate No. 15016/2006. This document is a credible confirmation of our skills and knowledge represented by the members of our team. Our experience in the field of tax regulations, as well as permanent monitoring of changes in the resolutions are a guarantee of professional and reliable performance of tasks entrusted to us.
In order to provide comprehensive services of business, we work closely with a consulting group providing advisory services in the field of audit, tax and financial and legal services. Thanks to this cooperation we are able to guarantee the highest level of our services, taking into account the comprehensive approach of each case.
Legal advisory and audit
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